What content is was Microtel
looking for?
Everybody is was invited to express themselves with any
number of Teletext Artworks featuring graphics or text. They can be art
of any sort: portraits, tags, shout-outs, advertisements for bands or
CDs, investigations in narrative minimalism, recipes, comics, stories,
fantasy pieces, operating instructions, calls for help, your latest hi
score results, what you wanted for Christmas and what you really got,
everything you own from IKEA, things relating to micromusic or not, conceptual
work, funny work, minimal pieces, maxed out pieces. At the moment
they can They could only be single pages - series of pages that
will work as a slow motion animation or movie may be possible
but haven't been tested yet. were not possible.
Paul and Emma are still interested in viewing teletext art works. You
can still email them to us.
The general limitations are were:
The work must
be presented in the way required by the stations technical specifications
outlined in our technical
Please be aware
that this project will be viewed by the wider community - in galleries,
in homes and potentially by people of all ages, including children. Content
must also meet with NOS broadcasting guidelines. Microtel prefers you
push the boundaries of the medium teletext than use shock tactics with
explicit content.
for submissions is 4 FEBRUARY as Microtel's last day of broadcast is 5
Feburary. However we recomend that you get us your teletext pages well
before then because the later they are submitted, the greater the chance
that there won't be enough airtime left to show them.
The limitations for animations are were:
>> 19.01.06 UPDATE: We heard
today we are not able to broadcast animations on NOS. We would still love
to receive animations from people who make them though just to see what
designs people come up with!
The work will be is published under Creative Commons
license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5. You can view what this
means here.
Due to the NOS station limitations, we may be were unable to broadcast all
submissions, although we planned to get as many works shown as possible during
the time we have had allotted. Submissions will also be put online at the
Microtel website, digital culture magazine SCEEN will feature works from
the project in an upcoming issue on DVD, and they may be included on a
documentary DVD to be screened at an ongoing exhibition after Microtel
Regarding broadcast schedules, things are developing
all the time. Check view
submissions for more information the documented broadcast schedule.